In pursuit of a notorious serial killer, a rookie FBI agent with a mysterious past must solve a series of occult clues to end his terrifying killing spree.
All style and little to no substance, this came across like someone pitched the idea of an episode of X-Files, but directed in the style of David Lynch.
Highly predictable with really staged foreshadowing meaning within the first 20 mins I’d worked out the rest of the film, and simply had to sit there and wait it out.
Zero chills or atmosphere, forcibly trying to insert a lingering dread, but burying it under arty shots, and a sadly forcibly skewed approach which failed to cover up the fact there wasn’t really much story to work with. Cage was just playing Cage with prosthetics, and not even good Cage…just that overacting version that sadly pops up from time to time.
Good sound mix, however, so there’s that. As a showcase of talent for arty framing, I guess it works, but as a showcase of story and substance, it left me underwhelmed.