Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

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Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

Who will win?

20162 h 32 min

Fearing the actions of a god-like Super Hero left unchecked, Gotham City’s own formidable, forceful vigilante takes on Metropolis’s most revered, modern-day savior, while the world wrestles with what sort of hero it really needs. And with Batman and Superman at war with one another, a new threat quickly arises, putting mankind in greater danger than it’s ever known before.

Director Zack Snyder
Runtime 2 h 32 min
Release Date 23 March 2016
Movie Media Cinema
Movie Rating Not that bad
Starring: Ben Affleck, Henry Cavill, Jesse Eisenberg, Gal Gadot, Amy Adams, Diane Lane, Jeremy Irons, Holly Hunter, Laurence Fishburne, Callan Mulvey, Scoot McNairy, Tao Okamoto, Jena Malone, Lauren Cohan, Brandon Spink, Hugh Maguire, Michael Cassidy, Alan D. Purwin, Dan Amboyer, Rebecca Buller, Harry Lennix, Christina Wren, Jade Chynoweth, Chad Krowchuk, Kevin Costner, Ezra Miller, Charlie Rose, Vikram Gandhi, Andrew Sullivan, Neil deGrasse Tyson, Jon Stewart, Soledad O'Brien, Erika R. Erickson, Dana Bash, Nancy Grace, Anderson Cooper, Brooke Baldwin, Jason Momoa, Joe Morton, Ray Fisher, Joseph Cranford, Emily Peterson, Patrick Wilson, Carla Gugino, Sammi Rotibi, Hanna Dworkin, Tiffany L. Addison, Owais Ahmed, Anish Jethmalani, Tiffany Bedwell, Natalee Arteaga, Keith D. Gallagher, Jeff Dumas, Miriam Lee, Alicia Regan, Stephanie Koenig, Ripley Sobo, Richard Burden, Julius Tennon, Wunmi Mosaku, Dennis North, Kiff VandenHeuvel, Mason Heidger, Ahney Her, Kristine Cabanban, Sebastian Sozzi, Kent Shocknek, Ralph Lister, Sammy A. Publes, Jay R. Adams, David Midura, Jay Towers, Michael Ellison, Kirill Ostapenko, Rashontae Wawrzyniak, Tom Luginbill, Dave Pasch, Danny Mooney, Henry Frost III, Nicole Forester, Debbie Stabenow, Milica Govich, John Lepard, Sandra Love Aldridge, Graham W.J. Beal, Henri Franklin, Jonathan Leigh West, T.J. Martinelli, Chris Newman, Lulu Dahl, Sam Logan Khaleghi, Anne Marie Damman, Connie Craig, Henrietta Hermelin, Patrick Leahy, Albert Valladares, David Paris, Abigail Kuklis, Greg Violand, Tiren Jhames, Steve Jasgur, Jonathan Stanley, Jesse Nagy, Duvale Murchison, Thomas J. Fentress, Coburn Goss, Jeff Hanlin, Gary A. Hecker, Robin Atkin Downes, Brandon Bautista, Carmen Gangale, Mark Edward Taylor, Michael Shannon, Matahi Drollet, Mormon Maitui, Taraina Sanford, Jean Ho, Julia Glander, Cleve McTier, Bevin Kowal, Carmen Ayala, Josh Carrizales, James Quesada, Aida Munoz, David Dailey Green, Madison Autumn Mies, Thomas M. Taylor, Thom Kikot, John Seibert, Liam Matthews, Zachary Schafer, Monrico Ward, Ryan D'Silva, Tom Whalen, Jeffrey Dean Morgan, Richard Cetrone, Marcus Goddard, Joe Fishel, Jalene Mack, Patrick O'Connor Cronin, Isabella Gielniak, Francisco Peramos

NOTE: The review below is from when the film released in 2016. A recent revisit (this time of the Ultimate Edition) didn’t make much difference – if anything it was even worse!

Anyway, old review ahoy….


After the response to Man of Steel, and the ‘not as strong as hoped for’ box office results, the proposed sequel to that film went through a bit of a change. When the title reveal was made, and the character of Batman was added, the fans at SDCC went wild. I, however, grew sceptical. I wasn’t enamoured with Man of Steel, but held out hope that a sequel would grow the character in a better direction. Suddenly adding Batman seemed like a stunt, a cynical attempt to get movie goers back on board by adding the one character guaranteed to bring crowds back. Initially WB stuck to their guns with the story that this was the always planned sequel to Man of Steel, but that story changed pretty soon to say that the official MoS II would come later down the line (until it completely vanished in the updated release schedule last year, highlighting the lack of confidence the studio has in the character, with Batman being named as the ‘lynchpin that will hold the DC Cinematic Universe together’). However, the casting of Ben Affleck as Batman flipped things a bit. The online fan community were aghast – he was the man who ruined Daredevil! Personally, I always felt he was a decent Daredevil and that film was ruined by the director, Mark Steven Johnson (who also gave us Ghost Rider, so there’s the evidence for the prosecution), and was quite vocal in my support for Affleck in the role of Bruce Wayne/Batman.

As the film was further and further into production, Wonder Woman was added to the mix, and story details began to emerge. Then the trailers arrived, and I was once more underwhelmed. As suspected, Superman looked to be side-lined in the promotion of the film, with Batman being the focus. However, it is worth noting that one trailer which focussed purely on Batman more than convinced me that Affleck was going to be perfect in the role, a role that many already think we’ve seen too much of, but which looked set to prove those people wrong. As the film was about to release, the reviews came….and they weren’t good!

So it was that, as someone who has little love for Man of Steel, I approached this film with trepidation and scepticism. The positive rants by fans online did nothing to convince me that it would be great, especially as most of them simply said it was awesome because it wasn’t Marvel (I’ve never trucked with this idea that you must like one or the other, so anyone who uses it to argue the merits of a film is instantly showing bias). Would the film impress me by not being as bad as some will suggest (after all, I’ve never been one to shy away from going against the grain, with films such as Wild Wild West, John Carter, and Lone Ranger sitting proudly in my DVD/Bluray collection), or would it be another let-down like Man of Steel was?

Well, let’s just skim over the plot first before the critique shall we….

After the events of the first film, and the destruction of Metropolis caused by the fight between Zod and Kal, Superman has become a controversial figure. Some praise him as a hero, others fear what he is capable of. One who fears him is Bruce Wayne, aka Batman (for those who have just crawled out from under a rock – hi there, it’s 2016 and we have computers now). You see, Bruce was there, in Metropolis, on that day of destruction, and he saw personal loss in amongst the devastation. Over the two years since he has continued his fight against crime in Gotham, whilst also investigating as much as he can about Superman, who he has chilling dreams about on a regular basis. At the same time, Alexander ‘Lex’ Luthor (played by Jesse Eisenberg) is doing some research of his own, specifically on the crashed Kryptonian ship, and the body of General Zod. He’s also managed to get his hands on some Kryptonite, and sets about his plans to bring Batman and Superman into conflict. Anyone who has seen the trailers will know where this will all lead.

Let me start off by saying that there are some really spectacular set-pieces in the film. Well shot action, and some fantastic imagery. Bruce’s dark dream about a world where Superman leads an almost Nazi-styled army is a gorgeous piece of film, as are the first glimpses we get of Batman in costume – quick glimpses as he evades a cop in a small room. With an agility that we’ve not seen on film to date, this is genuinely a Batman that reflects the style and motion of the comic book character, and when we get to see him in full action later in the film it is impossible to not be impressed. The long anticipated smackdown between Superman and Batman is another great moment, with some brutal damage being done to both parties, and a Batmobile chase sequence is yet another great set-piece.

However, all of these are just set-pieces, sadly with no substance to hold them together in any coherent manner. In addition, many of them end with some astonishingly corny exchange of dialogue which just leaves you cringing in embarrassment. This skill Zack Snyder has with crafting standout moments but not managing to slot them together has been seen before in Sucker Punch, another film with some great sequences, but which is just an unbridled mess of a film overall (laughably so). Dawn of Justice feels like at least two story ideas mashed together in a desperate attempt to race towards the Justice League movie, and yet feels far too long a film as a result as neither story is allowed to grow. Wonder Woman (Gal Gadot) is forced into the proceedings for no particular reason other than to show off the character in the hope it will get people to watch her solo film (in production now), and the other mooted cameos are so painfully forced in via one of the most contrived methods that you genuinely feel embarrassed for all involved.

Lex Luthor is completely underwhelming as a villain. Eisenberg does a decent job of putting a new spin on the character (who is not necessarily the ‘Lex’ we all know, with a throwaway line commenting that Lexcorp was named after his father), but feels so out of place in the story, becoming more of an expositional character, there to simply move the story along without any actual natural progression (hey, how do we get to the next action piece? I know, Lex does something random….Go!). Gadot is bland as Diana/Wonder Woman. Whether this is due to her not really having much to do, Zack Snyder not really caring much, or her being terrible remains to be seen when her solo outing arrives. Cavill, once again, fails to convey any kind of presence on screen as Superman, and whilst his chemistry with Amy Adams’ Lois is slightly better than the previous film, it still feels a little forced.

But, Affleck is jaw droppingly amazing, and if any one person can walk away from this wreckage it is him. It is almost worth watching the film again just to see his scenes once more. Giving his everything to the character, as mentioned earlier he plays a different Batman than we’ve seen on screen in the past, and I would happily watch more…in a better film. His presence is one of the only things that kept me watching – well, him and Jeremy Irons as Alfred. When a solo Batman outing arrives, I’m all over that like bees on honey! I can understand WB choosing to utilise this Batman as the cornerstone of the upcoming DC films, linking each together – it’s just a shame that Superman had to become a secondary character in what was originally his own sequel in order to do it.

All of this, and no mention of the final segment of the film, one which the surprise of was spoiled by a trailer reveal (which if you haven’t seen any marketing for the film and still want a surprise, then skip to the next paragraph quick). Yes, the tacked on team up against the CGI blemish that is supposed to be Doomsday is one of the most dreadful endgames of a film in a while. The whole thing is an utter mess of half-finished effects work, with Doomsday looking as realistic as The Abomination did in Incredible Hulk – that level of CGI realism! There is one well played moment in the action, which sees Superman drifting in orbit, drained of power after being struck by a nuclear weapon (a moment practically lifted from the pages of the comics), but that’s about it. The rest of the fight is woefully directed and poorly edited, making the final heroic actions strangely comical when they should be harrowingly serious.

Throw in another dreary, booming, overpowering score which consists primarily of loud oboes and drums, and the sloppy editing throughout, and we have a film which has some loyal comic book moments, but slap dashed together in an incoherent mess. I’ve read in places that some people couldn’t follow the story and thought it was confusing. I don’t agree with this, I followed it fine, but it is sloppily written, and messily constructed. I’m still excited to see other films in the upcoming DC slate, but any which keep Zack Snyder on as director just have no further appeal to me. What could have been two great films is instead another example of Snyder’s skill at moments, but failure at features.

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