Rebel Moon – Part Two: The Scargiver

Rebel Moon – Part Two: The Scargiver post thumbnail image

From the opening narration to remind you of events of the first part (just in case you didn’t notice the Part Two aspect of the title and might be confused, or maybe in case you nodded off during the first part), to the slow-mo infused scenes to drag the a film with barely any reason to exist as two parts out even longer, this was laughably bad!

Once again, some marvellous visuals, as expected from Snyder although there are a few moments of blatant green screen filming that didn’t feel as polished as usual. But story wise this was terribly derivative, and packed with awkward dialogue that had this been a parody in the tone of Spaceballs wouldn’t have felt out of place, but when delivered with heavy seriousness as choral infused music plays out, interspersed with more scenes about harvesting wheat than is ever needed this side of an agriculture documentary, it all felt like am-dram rehearsals.

I was initially against the idea of releasing these films in cut down format, when the streaming releases didn’t necessitate bringing latter releases of extended cuts, but now I’m thankful as it meant less time wasted watching them. The issues with this (and the previous) film aren’t the kind to be fixed by adding more scenes – there isn’t any expansion of plot that will correct these faults.

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